Bringing compliant drivers & operators together
Established on the 8th January 2006 in Torquay we have recently celebrated 18 years in business.
From small beginnings we have expanded into the largest UK specialist Coach Driver Hire Recruitment Company.
During this time, we are proud to have placed over 2095 drivers into full time Permanent coach driving jobs. Many positive challenges and opportunities have been achieved, the lessons of lockdown enhanced our strong customer service skills and diversification, the retraining of existing staff and a completely new training schedule for our new drivers.
Telephone: 0330 999 0009
Local Number: 01392 427 779
Out of Hours: 07719 565 447
Email: hello@dhteam.uk

We operate a fully IR35 compliant driving team. All our drivers are employed on our in-house sage PAYE payroll. We are unable to have self-employed or Ltd company drivers at this time.
We have over 250 full time, part time and seasonal experienced male and female drivers. Our professional driving team fully understand the customers’ requirements and operators can see the financial benefit to using our compliant driving team. Reducing their costs by as much as £5000 per year per full time driver.
Working together to achieve together.
They all have specific responsibilities across the business and when everyone’s working together it’s a joy.